First Of All, Availability your CV at HERE.
*You MUST complete Your analysis At Least 95%.
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The first stage: Create your account on the Bayt platform (name, email and password, then press the button, then add the phone number)
The second phase:
First step: The features you want to get
Second Step: This step is very important to know your experience in your job field
Third Step: Register your data in educational qualifications
Fourth step: Fill in the personal data after you are able to tap Next
Stage 3: Full your cv
Then head to your homepage to see the strength of your resume, And how to increase it with some steps to get a percentage of at least 90% in order to get more job opportunities.
As in the example of the previous picture 9 degrees compared to the confirmation of the telephone number… and so on.
And required partitions are:
- Data on education.
- competencies are as simple as.
- Languages you understand.
- Certificates.
- hobbies and interests.
then press the “SAVE” button at the top of the section, Then touch the menu panel at the top, Then tap on the My CV section to launch the Job Profile page